Wednesday, March 18, 2020

march 18

[for your MOM: "How long can I feel an itch without scratching?"]

How does uncertainty make you feel?  Do you think uncertainty is somehow inherently bad or good, or do the stories we tell ourselves about it make it so?  We are all navigating uncertainty, so please feel free to contribute today's journal entry as a comment to this post.

1. Journal
2. (Speaking of uncertainty, it looks like the post I *thought* published last night failed, so hang in there while I get this together today...)

1. I received several emails from students about the governor's comments regarding school not opening until fall.  Right now, we are all speculating and paying close attention to the medical experts.  As soon as I receive any official word about school re-opening, I will let you know.
2. Since I don't have everyone's personal email at home (the list is in my desk at school), I will scrap together as many invitations as I can for Friday's video conference.  I may use school email for the rest, so please be sure to check whatever email account you use.  If you can, please send me an email to let me know where you want me to send the link.

1 comment:

  1. uncertainty makes me feel unsure or doubtful. I think uncertainty is somehow inherently bad in most situations.


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