Thursday, March 12, 2020

march 13

Describe your favorite color.  When did you first see it?  What does it symbolize to you?  Why do you even have a favorite color-- why does anyone have a favorite color? (Extra credit offer: if you actually do any research and discover an answer to that question, comment to this post.)

*Please answer poll question on course blog*
1. Journal
2. Finish writer's conferences (calling anyone who just enrolled this semester!)
3. Essay/ Big Question work
*Discussion by request: coronavirus*

1. What are your thoughts on learning in the age of the coronavirus? (title: LEARNING IN THE AGE OF CORONAVIRUS)


  1. I did some research and i found this website Quora. It talks about how some people may not have a favorite color and it can be anyone. And the person that does have a favorite color as i quote the article, "might come from someone who prefers the feeling of knowing rather than the process of understanding."

  2. Having a favorite color in my research means that you distinguish yourself to other people.

  3. I never thought about this hah but I did some research and people have favorite colors because it gives them a sense of uniqueness and also it distinguishes themselves.

  4. People have favorite colors because it reminds them of vibes.


LAST POST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

What a year. As often as I say it, I still feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank you. Thank you for your effort, your insig...