Tuesday, February 18, 2020

february 18

[for your MOM: Think of all the amazing things your body does in a day.  The little things: tying your shoes, making sure you keep the nutrients from your food and getting rid of the rest... Have you thanked your body recently?  Maybe now would be a good time.]

The human body is such an amazing design.  Evolution.  Wow.   Whether you believe that Mother Nature, or God, or selective adaptation from primordial ooze is responsible, it's quite a system, and yet it's also oddly imperfect.  Why do we have such weird quirks?  Why is pain necessary?  Or fever?  Or phlegm?  Why couldn't we just have a red light or buzzer that goes off and says "Er, hey, you should probably get some rest"?

1. Journal
2. Gatsby Chapter 5

Chapter 5 notes and reflections (title: NOTES AND THOUGHTS ON GATSBY CHAPTER 5) 

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