Friday, February 14, 2020

february 14

[for your MOM: How much love can you feel in sixty seconds?] 

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "My Funny Valentine" by Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker; "California Love" by 2Pac]

Love is intangible. It doesn't exist as a physical "thing" in the world that we can observe or experience with our senses.  How do you know it exists?

How will the love you feel and express today be remembered tomorrow (by you or anyone else)?

Lastly, if you really love someone, why do you need companies to tell you to buy stuff in order to show the way you feel? (And, if someone really loves you, what do they care if you buy a crappy stuffed animal or overpriced flowers today, as opposed to, I don't know, October 9?)

Pro Tip: If you really love someone, show them every day.  Buy them flowers this February 29 ("My heart LEAPS for you!")  Not only will you surprise and delight the person you love 365 days a year-- "OMG you're so sweet, you were thinking about me even without a pop up ad?" -- but you'll also be a role model for those poor suckers who paid 3x the price for roses this week.

1. Journal
2. Wrap up quizzes and blog posts for the week
3. Bad language and our culture
4. Gatsby plan (time permitting)

COMMENT: To the "sticks and stones" post on the course blog.  Read (at least skim) the article and share your thoughts and feelings.

1. Think back on this week and reflect: How can you show what you learn about what we read?  (title: HOW YOU KNOW WHAT I KNOW)

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