Tuesday, January 28, 2020

january 28

[Nobody ever plans to get sick.  My plan was to start in on The Great Gatsby with you today.  Now I'm thinking more along the lines of Tech Tuesday, Cake Wednesday, and Hopefully-I'm-Back-In-Class Thursday.  Please use the time to your greatest advantage.  Some of your blogs don't have a post since last decade, and that is not going to cut it come progress report time, which is already approaching...]

It's an old joke: "You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose."  Why not?  In half a page (minimum) of thoughtful reflection, please explain your views on personal boundaries.  When is it OK to reach over and pluck something out of someone's hair, or tell them their shoe is untied, or their fly is unzipped?  Do some people invite this level of personal connection, or is it simply never OK?  Please explain and use examples to illustrate.

1. [Mindfulness whenever you want to take a minute]
2. Journal
3. Post at least two makeup assignments (or, if you're all caught up, add a graphic design or widget) on your blog
4. Publish today's posts (see below)

1. Please read at least one article in the "Dark Patterns" post.  Publish a post on your blog in which you comment on this practice and describe an example from your personal experience.  If you don't have a personal experience, discuss the idea at your table and find someone who has. (title: DARK PATTERNS)
2. Reflect on yesterday's ignite talks, and publish yesterday's post if you haven't yet.  Find at least two speakers who impressed you with their ideas and/or enthusiasm.  Ask them how they came up with their ideas, and report on this in a blog post. (title: BEHIND THE IGNITE TALKS)

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