Friday, January 17, 2020

january 17


JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "We're Going To Be Friends" by The White Stripes; "Village Green Preservation Society" by The Kinks; "It Was a Very Good Year" by Frank Sinatra]

It's a common phrase: "The best years of my life..." What makes one year better than another? Assuming there is such a thing, how will you recognize "the best years" (or moments) when they happen?

1. Journal
*How to take and post notes from class)
2. MLK: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
3. Misery, hope, and ways of writing about both
4. Genre at the beginning of the 20th century: naturalism, realism, and modernism

Post your notes and observations/reflections from today's class to your blog (title: NOTES FROM TODAY'S LECTURE)

Watch it more than once. LEARN it.  Comment to this post with any reactions, observations, or questions that will help you better understand it.  Be ready to discuss it on Tuesday 1/21.

1 comment:

  1. While I was watching this is video I noticed how he used a proper diction and speaking metaphorically. You could also hear the passion in his voice as he portrayed his message. That made his speech just that more powerful. If you didn’t know who he was and heard his speech you could tell he was a very educated man. I was very impressed!


LAST POST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

What a year. As often as I say it, I still feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank you. Thank you for your effort, your insig...