Thursday, January 16, 2020

january 16

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "I'm Sick Y'All" by Otis Redding; "Don't Let Us Get Sick" by Warren Zevon; "Sick City Sometimes" by Buzzcocks]

Sick.  It's an awful feeling.  And it seems like when we get physically sick, everyone around us has an opinion: rest up, drink fluids, see a doctor, sweat it out, take an ice bath, walk it off... How do you know what to do when you get sick?

You can also look at the word differently.  There are more than a couple connotations: Dude, that's sick!  I think about the roots of one synonym: disease.  The denotation is, "Not at ease."  How do you feel when you are not at ease, and what do you do to restore a sense of balance so that you can live your best life?  (Spoiler: sitting still and/or staring at a screen probably doesn't help.)

1. Journal 
2. Socratic Simon Seminar: What exactly is American Literature?
3. Begin writers' conferences
4. Search online for 1 novel and 2 short stories

Please answer the following questions in two separate posts.
1. What is American Literature?  How can you contribute to it?  (title: AMERICAN LITERATURE)
2. What short stories/ novels did you find in your research?  What appealed to you and why?  Be sure to describe the search terms (and engines) you used and the titles/authors of the works you chose.  (title: THE WORLD IS MY LIBRARY)

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