Wednesday, December 4, 2019

december 5

We describe characters all the time.  Whenever we relate a story about something that happened with other people to a person who wasn't there, we portray the other people as characters in that story.  Sometimes we describe them directly ("he's six feet tall" or "she was really angry"), and sometimes we describe them indirectly, in terms of what they said, or did, or how others reply to them.  It's one thing to write, "Robert had an insatiable appetite" and it's another to write, "Sally watched Robert eat-- and eat, and eat, and eat, until she thought she herself might actually throw up."  Think of something that happened to you over the weekend in the presence of other people.  Write a paragraph about it.  Then, choose one character and analyze your own work: did you describe this person directly or indirectly?

1. Journal
2. Interview/s & audience participation (REMINDER: The audience participation responsibilities outlined in class 11.19.  If you weren't there, please ask a friend. Whether or not you are interviewing today, and whether or not your period even has an interview scheduled, you have a job to do.  Do it.)
3. (if time) Study for vocab final and/or prep for your interview

(Note: Interviews will begin promptly at 15 minutes after the bell begins the period.  This should give you ample time to settle in, write in your journal, and prepare your résumé, references, and cover letter.)

Per 2: Ana, Hector, Jennifer
Per 3: Jose, Marlene, Cris, Juan
Per 4: Alex, Elizabeth, Leo
Per 6: Joseph, Joaquin

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