Friday, November 8, 2019

how to be self-reliant for tuesday

On Tuesday, November 12, we will have an in-class essay.  You will use cutting edge, ancient Egyptian technology (blue or black ink on paper) to write a multi-paragraph response to a prompt.

The prompt itself, as I'm thinking about it today, will likely have something to do with this quote from

In the words of Frederick Douglass (a leader of the abolitionist movement and a contemporary of Emerson):

“I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.”

In a well-crafted essay of no fewer than three paragraphs, please explain how this statement reflects the ideas that Emerson wrote about in "On Self-Reliance."  How can any of these ideas help you as you navigate life in 2019?   

Please remember that you are writing to create value through understanding, so write as if you are teaching your reader something that you consider meaningful.  Please structure your essay accordingly, and proofread for mechanics (spelling, grammar, etc.).

You will need at least three ideas and/or quotes from "On Self-Reliance" to help you answer the prompt.  During the essay, you will not have access to your electronic devices or your journal.  However, if you bring one page of outlined notes, you may keep that page on your desk as a reference while you write.

More on this over the weekend.  If at least 30 people comment to this post with their perspectives on what is important about "On Self-Reliance," I will post the prompt on Monday.  If 40 people comment, I will post the prompt on Sunday.  If 50 people comment, I will post the comment tomorrow (Saturday).  If 100 people comment today, I will start writing immediately.


  1. Something important on self-reliance is to be yourself and to not be someone else.

  2. I believe that the essay has a powerful message that every choice you make changes you even if you don't make a choice.

  3. This just in from Adolfo: Something important about self reliant is to always be honest and open and be yourself

  4. something that I've gotten from this is that you don't need anyone's approval for anything

  5. Something important is to be yourself and not try to be someone your not

  6. The importance of self-reliance is that you should be yourself around other people so they know who you really are.

  7. I feel that self reliance is good because then you can express the way you feel or not .

  8. Something important that i took out of self - reliance is that you should true to yourself and stay true to who you are and not let society change you.

  9. I think it would be important to do it on what the main Idea or what the author intended to do with this essay

  10. In self-Reliance a very important topic that stood out was that no matter what you should always be yourself. Also to not change for anyone.

  11. What you get to obtain from "On Self-Reliance", is the reflection and reality of Emerson's words. His predictions about the future that became a reality today in 2019. Emerson made me reflect on ALL life goals and failures. My decisions will affect me in any way possible from the present to future. Many of his words inspire me and affects me in good and bad. He pushes us as readers to believe we can do anything. He teaches us with hard work, you can achieve something great. He teaches us to be good is to be good without acting the part. He taught us that if YOU won't be who you are, then you yourself will be gone from existence. Be you and you are enough is what I understood from him. Be good don't just act good. Yes, you are human and make mistakes,but that's alright. There are many more topics Emerson brought up but I found these very memorable and important to me.

  12. What I have taken from self reliance is that you should always be yourself and you should never have to change for or you should never try to be somebody you are not based on the people you surround yourself with.

  13. something important is that people are ashamed of who they are because they are afraid they are not good enough, sometimes too afraid to accept themselves as simply human.

  14. What I think is important is for someone to know their own worth.

  15. An important aspect of this essay is that people should not be afraid to speak what is on their minds. You never know if what you are thinking could be game-changing or not, or if others agree with you.

  16. One thing I learned from the reading was that You shouldn’t worry about what other than about you, and you should be yourself


LAST POST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

What a year. As often as I say it, I still feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank you. Thank you for your effort, your insig...