Monday, March 30, 2020

physical & mental health

Hi Everyone,
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, it's easy to fall out of routines that support our health. I hope you continue to practice at least a minute of mindfulness here and there.  I hope you're getting enough sleep.  I hope you're eating nutritious food.  And I hope you're getting exercise.

On one hand, each of those topics falls outside the traditional English curriculum.  On the other, if your mind, body, and immune system (!) aren't functioning properly, language skills are probably the least of your problems.

With that in mind, I'm sharing a "No Gear" workout plan that Bobby Maximus sent me.  Bobby, you may remember, is the former MMA fighter and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu champion who I trained with in Utah over winter break.  I will (finally) post about that this week, and invite Bobby to join us on a zoom call, but I didn't want to procrastinate on sharing these workouts-- move your body today, it will help get your mind right.

Oh, and in case you're saying to yourself, "That's all good and fine, Dr. Preston, but what about you?  Are you working out in the middle of all this madness?"

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