Monday, March 23, 2020

online meeting #2: recording

Thanks to everyone who joined us for today's Zoom meeting.  It was great to see you!  We all have a version of feeling isolated, so it was even more valuable to connect in (*virtual) person.  I enjoyed learning about what you're doing (sleep! cooking! art! 44-episode shows!) and how you're doing.

As it happens, Guy Montag-- the protagonist of Fahrenheit 451-- also deals with isolation.  Today we learned that he isn't really happy, and that his conversation with Clarisse brought him face to face with that reality.

I loved your suggestions for today's post, so that is what we'll use: please write on your blog about how our isolation over the last couple weeks is affecting your life.  You might write about the things that you now have more time for, or the things you miss, or... ?  For the title, you can borrow the title of the book I'm writing: ACADEMY OF ONE.  In exchange for the title, please include something that you're learning (about yourself, or our country/culture, or your Big Question, or anything, really) as a result of being isolated.

Thank you once again, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!  If you want to see the replay, or if you couldn't join us and want to see what you missed, here is the recording of the meeting:

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I was not able to do video conferences because of my internet, and I am trying to watch the video conference but for some reason it says the video is private. It is not letting me watch it.


LAST POST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

What a year. As often as I say it, I still feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank you. Thank you for your effort, your insig...