Sunday, March 15, 2020

march 16: UPDATE

Hi everyone.  I hope you are enjoying the rain at home this morning.  As you know by now, our school is closed for the next few weeks-- at least-- so that we can help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.  This is an important step; I am continuing to collect information to share, and I will update the coronavirus/COVID-19 page on the blog as I learn more.  For now, I'm glad that government and school officials collaborated with medical experts to support the health of our community. 

Although I'll miss seeing you in person, we have what we need to continue learning, communicating, and collaborating online.  Starting tonight (March 16), I will post the following day's agenda by 10:00 P.M. I'm a little disappointed that we didn't know about the closure on Friday -- I would have had you take your journals home instead of turning them in -- but you can start a new notebook or write on paper. 

This is the agenda I posted yesterday before I learned school would be closed. My intention was to have a conversation in class about how we can sustain our momentum and use our time to the greatest advantage while school is closed.  I have a few ideas (naturally :), and I want to make space for yours as well. 

To make things a bit easier for today, and to bring us together on a day we weren't expecting to spend apart, please answer the journal question in a comment to this post. (As always, please copy your comment to your clipboard before you click 'Publish' so that if it glitches, you can paste in an email to me and I'll publish for you.)

I will publish more about our "new normal" later today, once I see some of your comments.  Thanks to those of you who sent emails, please feel free to reach out anytime on any of our channels.  I am confident that we can navigate this together.  Someday you'll have a great story to tell when your grandchildren ask you what you did during the Pandemic of 2020 (and when you do tell that story, describe me nicely. Maybe taller. 😜).  Mahalo. -dp


[for your MOM: "Learning begins with me."]

How's this going to work?

1. Journal
2. Please pack your journal and take it with you, so that you can keep writing in it each day
3. Discussion: Here's how this is going to work
4. Introduction: Ray Bradbury

Your notes on today's in-class discussion and our plan moving forward. Write a paragraph to go with it about how you are demonstrating strength of character in a challenging time (title: WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH)


  1. I think the only way we can make it work is doing everything the same way we have done it all year just at home and publish our work on our blogs.

  2. Being at home and trying to do work from home is going to be a little more complicated. Some students may not have the resources that they need to continue posting on this blog. And also they might struggle trying to get help on how to do things, but since most of us are now used to this we can help our fellow classmates by contacting them through social medias. I think doing it like we have always done, posting on our blogs is going to work. We just have to be willing to try, and get used to this way of learning.

  3. I think working at home is going to be pretty difficult many distractions and not enough silence in my opinion. Also what about the other students who may not have access to internet or any other technology. I guess we are just going to have adapt with it and give it a chance. Other than that I think we should stick to the blog it seems more easier then the other options. Just kind of worried about not being able to Get help from our teachers when we have a question or get ideas from our classmates. Overall we have to take risk if we are willing to keep on learning and not give up so soon just because of some dumb virus.

  4. I think it will work, if we take classes online because many students have experience with technology.There might be some problems, for some that might not have internet.

  5. In my opinion i feel like working from home is going to be really difficult especially since a lot of students might not have all the resources they need. Its also going to be quite difficult because we wont be interacting with our fellow peers and discuss many different ways of going about. I feel for this class it will be easier since we have the blogs but for other classes its going to be quite intresting. I feel like posting on the blog and keeping us updated is really helpful especially when we have to go back to school.

  6. I personally think that all this may work if we stick to what we have been doing this whole year. Maybe even have some talks or assignments through canvas because i feel like people are used to checking canvas rather than this blog.

  7. I feel like doing what we have been doing the whole year is going to be better for everyone because that's what we are use to. I feel like it's going to be hard to adapt to something new over the blog.

  8. There's a possibility it could work, but only if everyone can contribute. I don't think everyone lives in a house that has wifi or service so I doubt everyone could stay active.

  9. Being at home means we can’t spread the virus if any of us have it 🤭 but most of us can work at home. But then we don’t wanna do anything and just eat be lazy and sleep


LAST POST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

What a year. As often as I say it, I still feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank you. Thank you for your effort, your insig...