Thursday, March 12, 2020


Based on your feedback in class over the last week, it seems that we are receiving coronavirus and COVID-19 news from many sources without getting much guidance from local leaders.  To help our extended learning family, I will post some links and resources for you to consider at school, work, and home.  As I put these materials together, I'd like to know what is important to you. Please comment to this post with any specific concerns or questions you have. I know that some of you have already found some informational resources; please feel free to share those too.  I will read all of your feedback tomorrow (Friday) morning before I post.  Mahalo.


  1. I’d like to know when the first case in Santa María happens i am a little worried about this so I’d like to know know when it hits in Santa maria

  2. I honestly think the school or who ever come out and make a statement about this.In case there is one here what would happen? Or if they do shut down the schools would they have to extend school going into our summer break or are we going to have online classes?

  3. I think that the school should keep the students informed about whats going on. This should be something the school should make plans about beacuase even though there is no confirmed cases yet there is a high chance for it to get here .

  4. This topic does concern me. I feel like our local news and our schools should keep us inform. It just so annoying how they keep saying there is a possible cases, like if there is a case already just make it official because then we will know what things to be aware of. Since all schools around are closing,and our school was to close will we have to do online classes or will our summer be extend for the days we were out?

  5. What I'd like to know is how could we prepare if something like that gets to Santa Maria

  6. Something I'd like to know about this topic and the school district is what would happen to all the students? If they were to shut down the school would we take online school? Would they extend school and we'd have to graduate later?

  7. what would happen if the school was to close down because of the corona-virus would we take all are classes in through the computer or they would send us the homework through email then we send it back once we are done with the work or would we have to take summer school for all the school that we missed

  8. I wanna know how long Santa Maria high school will be closed

  9. Somethings the school doesn't tells like how the most elite university cancelled school because they were worried about the verse yet we don't get told what we should do if it does hit Santa Maria since in Los angles the cursed already affected about 30 people and that's just who they have been tested.

  10. You can also use to see how many are effected and how many were actually cured.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. From Pablo:
    My first thought on the corona virus was that people were overreacting and it was media making a bigger deal on it that it really was. Even though I still believe in that I now see also that it is turning into something greater and I wonder if we happen to have cases in town how would the people would react, like would they continue to work everyday and go out or isolate themselves for however long it takes.

  13. From Adolfo:
    well I not that concern about the virus since it’s mostly just the flu but I’m just concerned on how it will impact the school and that they will make summer short or that finals will come closer and that we might not prepare for it

  14. From Pimo:
    With the Covid-19, I believe that schools will be shut down, once there is a case about it near our community. I think if schools close, we will be shifting into they way Dr.Preston teaches such as the blog post for example. Teachers will now be giving out work through blogs or some type of way on the internet. With this they’ll learn the importance of the web, & how to use it properly, because the way other teachers teach, they are still handing out papers, & teaching us the same way students have been taught for the past 400 years it has never improved in anyway. Everything else has improved but our education system has never been reformed.

  15. I feel that it would help if the news were to assure the people here in Santa Maria that there are no known cases because all of a sudden people started worrying and went to the stores and bought all of the toilet paper and water. Although, if there are known cases, letting the people know would also be helpful so they know that they have to be safe.

  16. I want to know what would happen if somebody in Santa Maria had the coronavirus would they shut down the schools?

  17. what are some things we can do together as a whole school to try and keep our campus as clean and germ free as possible??

  18. I am concern, that the younger kids or babies might get affected by this. It would be good to get informed.

  19. what would happen if the school shut down ? would we have online classes or would we have to go to school during the summer ?

  20. I am concerned about that if the coronavirus does get here to one of the students, and no one knows about it and it starts to spread. I don't want to get it, and spread it to my parents knowing they are old and have problems. I just think that the school instead of just saying to wash your hands, they should start informing us and preparing us on what might happen.

  21. I would want to know that what will happen with someone that has the virus comes on campus? will they shut down the school or will teacher be extra careful to help students or just what will be done.

  22. From Jovanny:
    I’d like to know if you can get the coronavirus by a mosquito?

  23. Look on the SMJUHSD website, it has a tab on there about the Coronavirus. It has facts about the Coronavirus, and includes the letter that the Superintendent mailed to all parents. You could also check the website, it has statistics about the amount of people affected, recovered, etc. from each country.

  24. We should try to make people in the city and aware of what is going on. Also we should try to make people in charge try to do something for the community.

  25. I think the News should keep us more informed about the coronavirus. They should atleast tell us something every day. And when u search for it its very hard to find anything when it comes to the local area.

  26. im curious if the coronavirus, with it's fast pace of spreading everywhere, will it actually hit Santa Maria? And if it does will it prevent us from going outside?

  27. I was wondering what are the symptoms? how do you know you have it I haven't heard anything about it.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I was concerned on the symptoms you get when this virus effects you. Also we should spread the word to people who dont understand or are not aware of this disease.

  30. My concern is how rapidly it can spread and the amount of deaths this virus can cause. A question I have is why is there is a need to cancel school? If school is cancelled or not the virus can still be able to get around the only difference is, by cancelling school it won't get around as fast

  31. we shouldnt be worry but we should be prepared becuase not evreything on social media is telling the truth some people have already recovered.

  32. Why are people even panicing if thats only making the stock market crash?

  33. I was wondering if you can get the virus by being out & about in your city?

  34. I think people are over exaggerating to much.

  35. I think we'll be fine as long as we wash our hands

  36. I'd only be worried if i was over 60 or if i was a baby because the virus only really affects them


LAST POST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR/ june 3 w online meeting #50

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