Thursday, February 20, 2020

february 20

Describe a practice that's good for you -- working out, eating vegan, sleeping 8 hours a night, flossing every day -- that you don't do.  Why don't you do something that you KNOW is good for you?  Logically, this seems absurd, but we all develop habits and life practices that need improvement.  What will it take for you to take better care of yourself?


Gatsby seems to think that money will influence Daisy, bring back the past, change the future, and get him what he wants.  This seems to parallel what some people think about money in 2020; some appear to believe that it will attract lovers, create happiness, grant powers, solve problems, and change the world.  Others will look at this paragraph as nothing more than a nice pile of words.  What do you think?

1. Journal
2. Evaluate progress: Gatsby Chapter 6
3. Gatsby Chapter 7

Gatsby notes and thoughts on Chapter 6 (title: GATSBY NOTES AND THOUGHTS: CHAPTER 7)
*You may want to include a perspective on the fact that, between Gatsby and the news, it seems impossible to get away from everyone talking about money all the time.  Is this reasonable or healthy?  What effect does it have on us?  For example, isn't there a better reason to learn than just getting a diploma/degree/job?

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