Tuesday, February 11, 2020

february 12

[Idea for your MOM: What is it about sitting still and quietly that seems like a challenge to some people?  What happens when I just, simply... relax?]

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "Testify" by Rage Against the Machine; "Test for Echo" by Rush]
When does Nick feel tested (or at least uncomfortable) in the book?  When do you feel tested in life?

In the process of selecting today's tunes, I geeked out and researched the etymology of the words test, testify, and testimony.  Turns out they're all related to determining correctness or vouching for the truth in some way.  Small wonder that the lyrics of both songs question what we're seeing.  If you prefer, you can write about how sometimes you receive messages that don't appear to align with reality.  How can you tell?  How do you respond?  Are you able to test the truth for yourself?  (Hmm, isn't that how the scientific method was developed?)

1. Journal
2. Cake Wednesday: (a) advice from a college finance pro; (b) write a poem that you can enter in that scholarship contest
3. Today we will finish reading Chapter 4 and reflect by challenging three friends (see below).  Write a test with at least two questions per chapter.

1. Chapter 4 notes (title: GATSBY CH 4 NOTES)
2. The questions (BUT NOT THE ANSWERS) on your blog (TITLE: GATSBY TEST CHAPTERS 1-4).  Get at least three friends to take the test by commenting to your post with their answers.  Grade them and report their grades with the correct answers in a second post (TITLE: GATSBY TEST GRADES).

Q: Dr. Preston, what if I can't get three friends to take my test?
A: Fine-tune your powers of persuasion and try harder.  This is all-or-nothing.

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