Monday, January 27, 2020

ignite talks: period 3

Dayana: Hair and crime?
Luis: Why are girls so complicated?
Juan: Will we ever be able to desalinate and drink ocean water?
Salvador: Are we already immortal?
Jose: Is there life after death?
Guadalupe: How will our actions about our ecosystem today influence the future?
Mallory: Why do we take things for granted?
Ivan: What is the purpose of life?
Diana: How does music affect our mental health?
Adolfo: Do you really need a college degree?
Yarely: Why do we have to conform to society’s standards?
Ximena: Are plastics and straws the problem, or are we the problem?
Ulices: What is the relationship between consciousness and reality?  (Thinking, feeling, and being)
Gerardo: How does the law of attraction work?
Efrain: [absent]
Stacey: Will time travel ever be real?
Joannes: Why do dreams feel so real?  Why do people fear them?
Flavio: What would happen if the Earth ran out of water?
Lucero: Why do we dream?
Jovanny: Is there life on other planets?
Judid: [absent]
Erande: Why does the world react so late to problems?
Erasmo: Why is family important?
Michelle: What do we when in something in our lives has to change, and we are afraid of taking the leap into the unknown?
Christopher: Do students do better without homework?
Deanna: How do psilocybin mushrooms help address depression, anxiety, addiction, and other problems?
Marcos: Why is the alphabet in A-Z order?
Marlene: Why is there an age limit on certain things?
Kevin: Is it possible for humans to live on Mars?
Gladys: Why are school dress codes enforced mostly on females?

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