Tuesday, December 3, 2019

december 4

JOURNAL TOPIC: [today's tunes: "My Hero" by the Foo Fighters; "Heroes" by David Bowie]

Heroes are essential to humanity. Every culture throughout history has chronicled their exploits. Today their role is viewed as more important than ever; heroes inspire us to think differently, act differently, and ultimately become better, even slightly heroic versions of ourselves. Even though everyone gets the general idea of a hero, the specific people we admire are as individual as we are. They may have impressive personalities, intellects or physical attributes; they may be ordinary people who do extraordinary things; they may be public or private. They may even be our friends and relatives.

Write a letter to someone you consider to be a hero. Affirm this person's role in your life.  Explain to this person why his/her influence is uncanny, and how this makes you see him/her as a hero.  Tell this person how s/he has moved or inspired you.

1. Journal
2. Interview/s & audience participation (REMINDER: The audience participation responsibilities outlined in class 11.19.  If you weren't there, please ask a friend. Whether or not you are interviewing today, and whether or not your period even has an interview scheduled, you have a job to do.  Do it.)
3. (if time) Study for vocab final and/or prep for your interview

(Note: Interviews will begin promptly at 15 minutes after the bell begins the period.  This should give you ample time to settle in, write in your journal, and prepare your résumé, references, and cover letter.)

Per 2: Marisol, Pablo, Jerry
Per 3: Dayana, Guadalupe, Gaby 
Per 4: Jeronimo, Armando, Daniel
Per 6: Mayra

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