Sunday, December 1, 2019

december 2

Dr. Seuss once wrote, "How did it get so late so soon?  December is here before it's June.  My goodness how the time has flewn. [sic]  How did it get so late so soon?"

Here we are.  It's December.  In the blink of an eye, we'll be on Winter Break, and then-- but, wait.  Let's slow things down for a moment.  One of the things I love about reading is how the author's ideas sometimes connect with what I'm thinking, or feeling, or experiencing.  Sometimes connecting the dots takes a little effort, but the effort is always worthwhile, because whatever I'm reading becomes more meaningful in those moments.

So, here is today's journal question: what idea/s from any of our readings can you apply to real life?  What have the authors or characters done or said that make you think about yourself, people you know, or the bigger issues we all deal with in 2019?

1. Journal
2. Interview/s & audience participation (REMINDER: The audience participation responsibilities outlined in class 11.19.  If you weren't there, please ask a friend. Whether or not you are interviewing today, and whether or not your period even has an interview scheduled, you have a job to do.  Do it.)
3. Vocabulary Final preview


Per 2: Liyah, Eneas
Per 3: -
Per 4: -
Per 6: Jesse

1. Your comment to today's interviewees' blogs (if applicable)
2. How did you sustain your memory and your learning momentum last week? Specifically, describe how you addressed the "list of living well" we talked about in class the day before the break? [title: MY BRAIN ON THANKSGIVING BREAK]

(copied from November 22 post)
1. Make sure your application portfolio is the best it can be
2. Make sure that your five blog posts and journal entries are the best they can be
3. Make sure that your blog is up to date and awesome
4. Read a book and do a literature analysis to spark your thinking, change your life, and pad your grade
5. Think about your Big Question
6. Check the course blog once in a while for final exam tips/previews
7. (Best for Last) Enjoy your friends, family, food, and everything in life worth being thankful for 


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